Ladies, it is time we give our heart some attention.
Heart attacks are the number one killer among women. Age doesn’t seem to be a factor either.
The warning signs are usually there, but are often brushed aside and overlooked until you wind up in the Emergency Room!
Good News: with proper diet and a healthy lifestyle, you have something to fight back with! Therefore, you can put things in your favor and bring health to your heart so you can live a long vibrant life!
Let’s talk about the signs of a heart attack in women, which can be different from men. Also, let’s look at preventative measures you can take so you can be healthy and strong, especially as you age.
Symptoms of a heart attack in women
The most common symptom is pain and pressure in the chest, but it may not be severe. That’s why the symptoms get overlooked. Women can have a heart attack without chest pain! What?!! Scary! Women can even experience symptoms while resting or sleeping!
Here are the signs to watch out for:
- Neck, jaw, shoulder, upper back or stomach discomfort
- Shortness of breath
- Pain in one or both arms
- Nausea or vomiting
- Sweating
- Feeling light-headed and dizzy
- Unusual fatigue
These symptoms can be subtle and not like the obvious crushing chest pain (which is often a sign of a heart attack in men). Women will usually describe the pain as more of a pressure or tightness. This is because women can have blockages not only in their main arteries but also in the smaller arteries that supply blood to the heart.
You can experience some of these same symptoms with other health issues, so when in doubt, get checked out!
What Can You Do To Reduce Your Risks?
- If you smoke, QUIT. You can do it! You are stronger than you think!
- Exercise regularly. Aim for 150 minutes a week. Keep a log for yourself so you can stay on track. Exercising 150 minutes a week will really help you reduce your risks and bring health to your heart.
- Maintain a healthy weight. Losing even a small amount of weight will help to lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of diabetes-both which can increase your chances of having a heart attack.
- Eat healthy foods: more veggies and fruits and cut back on meat and dairy. Making healthier choices with each meal is a great place to start.
- Cut out processed foods. Small changes add up here.
- Reduce sodium, which is in salt. Most of the sodium we eat is hidden in other foods like bread. Use herbs, instead of salt, to season your food. Get your taste buds excited with new flavors!
- Become a label reader for ingredients! It’s eye-opening!
- Reduce added sugars: soda, juices, sweets, etc. Start small and work from there.
- Reduce stress as much as you can: Stress is called the “silent killer” for a reason.
Don’t be sounds like a lot…just pick an area where you can start to make some small changes and go from there. One less soda a day…Maybe a short walk a couple of times a week. You will be going in the right direction, and that’s what counts.
Talk To Your Doctor
- Talk to your doctor and discuss if taking a low dose of aspirin (81mg) is something you should start taking. It’s not for everyone, so check with your dr first. Don’t self treat.
- Get a yearly physical and ask if they can do an EKG. It’s quick and an EKG can reveal a lot about your heart health.
Ladies, become more in tune with your body and listen to that gift we all have called “intuition”. If something doesn’t feel right physically, don’t brush it off. Get checked out immediately or as soon as possible!
You take care of everyone else, and sometimes you don’t give yourself the priority that you should. Listen to your body more closely and take the steps to reduce your heart risks going forward.
You have so much yet to do: in your family, your relationships, with your God given gifts, in the world!
Take care of your heart so you can live a long, amazing life and make your difference!
Until next time,