“Can you repeat that please? “I didn’t hear you.” Have you found yourself asking that question a little too frequently? As I have gotten older it seems like I was asking that question way too often.
Or have you ever pretended you heard someone when they are talking to you but you really didn’t?
Nodding and smiling as if all is well. Yes, I have done that and I have gotten busted many times!
We don’t think much about our ears until we are in pain or we’re noticing some difference in our hearing.
Hearing loss is now the most common sensory disorder in the U.S.
Aging is a natural part of life, but there’s still a lot we can do to have more optimal health! Ears included!
How can we protect our hearing?
For starters, being more aware of loud noise. Really, loud noises have the potential to eventually destroy the fragile hairs in the inner ear that convert sound vibrations into nerve pulses, which is the basis of hearing. The louder the noise the quicker the hearing loss! I have gone to concerts where I have had to put in earplugs. It’s that loud! Don’t be embarrassed if you have to bring out earplugs for loud noise. Your hearing is worth it!
Good nutrition impacts every area of our health and that includes our hearing. Start by eating more fruits and vegetables, and cut back on sugar. Juicing and smoothies are always an easy way to do this.
A new study has recently come out stating that a higher intake of Omega 3’s can reduce the risk of age-related hearing loss in people over the age of 50. That’s exciting news and another plus for the power of healthy fats!
No No’s!
I know Q-tips seem like they are the perfect little tool for cleaning ears, but take it from me, you can get in a lot of trouble with them! My ear doctor told me jokingly that nothing bigger than your fist should ever go inside your ear! There are fragile little bones and cartilage inside the ear canal that Q-tips can cause a lot of damage to if you’re not careful. Yikes! Lesson learned!
Don’t forget to put sunscreen on your ears in the summer when out! Ears are prone to skin cancer and are often forgotten in sunscreen application.
Hope this helps you to think of your ears as part of your overall health. Consider getting a baseline hearing test to see where you are in your hearing range.
In the meantime, remember the blessings of hearing all the beautiful sounds around us every day. May we never take our hearing for granted.
Until next time,