We usually don’t think much about our neck until two things start happening: pain and the signs of aging.
I have experienced both and have had to ramp it up to address both of these issues!
Let’s talk about how we can have better neck health and also see improvements in aging.
Neck Pain
Most likely you have experienced neck pain at some point. Have you ever awoke from sleeping the night before and have had a limited range of motion? Your neck is stiff and you can barely turn it. Ouch!
Maybe you have sat way too long at the computer and before you know it, your neck is aching and burning. Guilty, I have done it! Putting into practice just a few steps can really make a huge difference in keeping the pain away. Neck stretching needs to be done a few times a week as a part of maintenance body care to help bring mobility and health back to the joints and muscles.
Neck stretching and why it’s important
When your neck is sore, it will radiate down into your shoulder blades as well. It’s all connected and a lot of our body pain can actually start from our neck.
Here’s a simple and effective stretch that can work wonders:
- Tilt your head to one side and gently place a hand on top of your head and gently stretch neck (ear to shoulder) Example: If you’re tilting your head to the left, put a left hand up on top of your head and gently stretch the head down.
- Keep the opposite arm stretched out as this will help to give you a deeper stretch.
- Hold for a count of 20.
- Repeat on the other side.
- Tilt your head as above, but this time look more down on a diagonal. You will immediately feel a nice stretch in the back of your neck.
- Hold for a count of 20, and repeat on the other side.
Super easy, quick and really effective. I do this stretch regularly and it really helps to get the kinks out!
How to have a more youthful neck area
When having consultations with clients, one of their main concerns is always their neck area. They are just not happy with what they are seeing in the mirror. Loose skin, lack of firmness and lines that look like rings.
The neck does age faster than the rest of the skin because of the lack of oil glands and because the skin is much thinner in this area. The neck can look 7 or more years older than our face! All the more reason we need to give this area some added attention!
I always advised my clients to think of their neck as an extension of their face. It really is but usually not thought of this way. So however you are treating your skin, bring that down to the neck area as well (cleansing, exfoliating, serums, moisturizer, SPF, mask etc). This will make a huge difference in the appearance of the neck skin if you put this into practice. Skin can look firmer and lines are more diminished.
Are neck creams necessary? Just like the eye area is treated with an eye cream, I do like to treat the neck with a neck cream. Usually, the product is a lot thicker and has specialty ingredients to combat aging. If a moisturizer is all you have, that’s fine though. Just make sure you use it twice a day on your neck area.
For more of an advanced technique for the neck area, you can also use the micro-needle roller gently on the neck area to increase collagen! Make sure to avoid the thyroid area.
I hope the next time you feel that twinge of pain in your neck, you implement some stretching. Do it on a regular basis and those twinges will become less and less.
Don’t forget to extend your skincare routine down to your neck area and you will start to see some wonderful improvements in this beautiful area!
Until next time,
Hi Pat!
Oh my goodness, my neck looks so awful I should wear turtlenecks all the time!! 😉 I’ve been seeing a chiropractor and he gave me some exercises for my neck and one is very similar to what you have described. Funny to think I have a weak neck, but the exercises are really helping. I wish someone had taught me this years ago and have missed all those painful moments.
Your blog is lovely and your sweet spirit permeates the pages.
Diane thank you so much for your kind words! Keep up with your neck stretches. It’s crazy how a simple stretch can bring so much relief!