He is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together. Colossians 1:17 God is holding it all together. What a comfort. I need to hear that often, especially as this year has been filled with interruptions, detours, and unexpected events. It's been a roller coaster ride in many ways, and it's been hard. I would have been overwhelmed if I had known everything I had to go through View Post
Widen Your Spiritual Vision
Vision. How is yours spiritually? Are you seeing what God would have you see? It's so easy to get caught up in a daily routine, rushing here and there, that we forget to see. To see that God is trying to get our attention. But wait, you say! There are things to get done, places to go, and a "To-Do " list a mile long. Your inbox is overflowing with emails that need your attention. Kids, View Post
Are You Truly Living?
When you think of living, what comes to mind? Existing? Thriving? Just getting through the day? I'm in the middle of a Bible Study on the book of Amos, and four little words have deeply stuck with me. I have pondered, analyzed, and prayed over these words to ensure I am truly living. It first shows up in Amos 5:4 "Seek me and live." then again in Amos 5:6 to ensure we hear these words View Post
When Church Wounds Your Heart
Church. It's supposed to be a place where our souls are nourished, where we feel close to God, and we're aware of His presence in our lives. A place of trust with the most sacred part of us. Our hearts. If you have been part of a church and experienced a division of God's people and abuse of leadership, you know how deep a wound this can be. This has been something I have been through, and View Post
Are You Soul Weary?
Soul weary. It's different than being tired physically. It's a weariness in the deepest part of you. In your heart and spirit. Have you been there? I have. When you feel that heaviness in your soul, it's hard to find joy no matter where you look. Being soul-weary means you care and you feel things deeply. With that though you can internalize things and it starts to weigh you down View Post
How To Choose What Matters
Daily, we get to choose a lot of things. From the food we eat, what we wear, our attitudes, and how we live our lives. A lot of choices we make are on auto-pilot. Quickly life slips into another day, leading to weeks, months, and even years. I think you want more out of life. I know I do. We want to choose what's important and what matters every day. I've thought deeply about this and View Post
Embrace Aging With Change
Change isn't always easy, but sometimes it's necessary to get your life moving in a new direction, especially with aging. Getting older puts a lot of things in perspective. You can't have a life do-over, but you can start right where you are today to do things differently and try something new. You can still change a mindset and an attitude and challenge yourself to create many positive View Post
Your Thoughts And Your Health
Did you know your thoughts can have a big effect on your health? Positive or negative, the words you think about influence every area of your life. Everyday words are entering your mind and shaping how you think and feel. Opinions of others, social media, the news, they are all having their say. It can really impact your health and your overall wellness if you aren't guarding your View Post
Are You Neglecting Your Soul?
Soul neglect. We do it without even realizing it, and before we know it we're starving. You wouldn't go days or weeks without food or water for your physical needs, so why do we neglect our souls from the food it needs to thrive? It's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stuff, and all the stress that you feel. Attention to your soul doesn't make the list. What if you paused and View Post
Is Your Faith Growing?
Is it time to do a spiritual inventory on your faith? Are you growing, or are your roots withering? It's easy to coast along in your faith day after day, year after year, and have no growth at all. You need deep unshakable roots that can withstand whatever life throws at you. Everything around you may be falling apart, but your standing strong. Your soul needs to be a focus like every View Post