We can put a lot into the little word of hope. From hoping the weather is good, to hoping a situation changes, etc. etc. Big and little hopes are limitless in our lives. Living in a world now that has changed dramatically, it seems like hope has taken a beating. Some days the news makes it feel like things are only going to get worse, and with that, the light of hope starts to dim. It's View Post
Tug Of War With God
Remember the game tug of war when you were a kid? Two teams pulling against each other, trying to see who was the strongest. As a kid, it was a fun game of strength and determination, and it felt pretty good when the other team lost their grip and you won. Now that you're grown up, could you still be playing tug of war, but now it's in your spiritual life? Does this sound familiar? You View Post
Planting Seeds In Your Heart
Are there seeds of faith growing in your heart? How you handle life depends on what kind of soil those seeds are growing in. Jesus told a parable to a large crowd about a farmer and planting season. Relating the story with what was their everyday life would help them relate to what Jesus wanted them to know about their faith and the condition of their heart. This is a familiar passage, View Post
Do Not Be Anxious About Anything
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God; and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7 I had a different plan for a post, but with everything that is going on in the world, I just feel we need to talk about our hearts and View Post
More Light For Gray Days
Where I live, the winters are long and there are a lot of gray days. A lot. Day after day the sun hides, and gray is all I see outside. What I've learned is that gray can make its way inside your spirit if you're not careful. Your mood can match what you see, and before you know it, the light is blocked out. Is this something you struggle with as well? Are gray days affecting how you feel View Post
Less Stress For The Holidays
It's that time of year where stress can go into overdrive! If your not careful the holidays will be gone in a blink and you will have missed it. All the beauty, all the magic, and all the joy. All because of stress. The holidays can feel so overwhelming. There doesn't seem to be enough hours to get the "to-do list" done! This is the time of year where you have to dig a little deeper View Post
Are Your Faith Muscles Weak?
How strong is your spiritual faith core? Is it weak? Strong? Or somewhere in between? Sure, it's great to exercise our bodies, so we can have the strength and energy to get through our day. Were also helping to ward off disease and be the healthiest we can be for ourselves and for those that love us. Shouldn't we do that for our soul? The answer my friends is YES. With exercise, View Post
Finding Your Balance
Balance. Does it seem like your always chasing after it? What does it really look like anyway? The word alone though can make you feel stressed! Making you feel like your always falling short. There are times when I have experienced the word balance, but there have been a lot of times when my life feels very "out of balance". Busyness will get you out of balance real fast! It's View Post
Self Talk Words
Our thoughts. The way we talk to ourselves in our minds with our words. It can be so destructive. You may not even know you're doing it. The words run through your mind so easily that it's just the normal way of your thinking. Every time these negative identity words come into your mind and they are allowed to hang around, they drive the stake deeper into your thought pattern. Word by View Post
What Am I Supposed To Be Doing Next?
Have you ever asked yourself that question? Are you in a season of your life where the future looks unclear and you have no clarity on the next steps to take? I have been in that place many times, but probably more so in the last few years. Over and over in my head, I'm asking myself, "What now?" "What should I be doing next"? I've discovered there are no easy answers! I'm a dreamer so View Post