Wow, a new year is almost here. Why does time go by faster as we get older? It seems like I am always flipping over a month on my calendar. I want time to slow down, don't you? Since it won't, we have to be more intentional to not waste our days and to get some things in place. A new year is always a great time to regroup. To sit down and reflect. Think about the past year and make some View Post
Winter Lessons
Winter is right around the corner!!! Living in the Chicago area, winter is no joke! It can be brutal! Cold, wind, snow and endless gray days. Flannel sheets and layering of clothes is the norm for months! So you would assume I'm not a winter lover, and I'm not. I don't like to be cold! At all! Sunshine and beaches are my happy place. I found myself dreading winter every year until I View Post
Your 2 Spiritual Vitamins
We often think of our physical health by taking vitamins or trying to make healthier food choices but are you paying attention to your spiritual health as well? Your body will let you know when you need to pay attention by giving you warning signs that things aren't right. Your soul does the same thing but often goes ignored. Having balance in both physical and spiritual health is crucial to View Post
Do You Struggle To Forgive?
Would you call yourself a forgiving person? I think everyone generally would answer "yes". Now let's get personal with forgiveness. Are you forgiving with those closest to you that have caused you heartache and pain? A spouse, a friend, a family member? Forgiveness looks a little different when we're dealing with our own personal hurts. I have talked to so many women in my career who View Post
What Is Stealing Your Joy?
Joy and happiness are two very different things. Happiness can be based on our circumstances and can be very fleeting. You have it one day and the next day it's gone. Joy, on the other hand, is more deeply rooted. No matter how hard life gets we can still experience joy. We can still have peace despite the storms, the hurts, and the disappointments in our life. The word joy isn't even View Post
Starting A Blog And Surviving!
Sometimes I take the long hard road. Like moving to a new state where I didn't really know anyone, had no clients for a business and decided to open my business anyway. Because the dream of it becoming a reality outweighed the fear. When most people are thinking about planning for retirement I'm just getting started. Yep, I take the less traveled road. Let's fast forward. I sell my View Post
Aging The Way God Intended
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (Proverbs 31:30). Being in the skin care industry there is a big emphasis on aging. Companies make promises to stop it, to delay it, and prevent it with all the latest ingredients and techniques. We can outwardly improve on the effects of aging, with all kinds of lotions, creams, gadgets, View Post
Having A Grateful Heart
Being grateful..... It's so easy to forget.... and to go through our days without seeing the blessings. Life gets busy and sometimes life gets hard. All the more reason we need to stop.... pause.... and remember. I want you to have eyes to see your days and the people in your life in a new way. To have a heart full of gratitude for all the goodness that God has poured out on you. Every View Post
Getting Out Of The Dark
Being an Esthetician I have spent many years in a dark room. The music is soft, the aromatherapy is soothing and my hands are creating an experience for the client for her skincare treatment. The felt comfortable....cozy....relaxing. As the years passed though I longed to be in the light more. I didn't always have a window in my treatment rooms, so that made the desire View Post
I Need A New Hope
Sometimes you get to a certain age and we just lose our hope. You feel like throwing up our hands and saying not too loudly to the world, but shouting to yourself, that your too old to accomplish all those dreams, all those " maybe someday. " Your mind tells you that this is just the way your life is. You feel stuck and so you settle for a life that feels defeated, and empty. All the while View Post