When giving a facial treatment, I’m always amazed at the difference between the face and the neck.
Sometimes it can look so different, that it doesn’t look like it belongs to the same face. The reason is simple. The neck area is a forgotten part of skincare for most women.
If you can relate and your seeing signs of aging, it’s not too late! You can still make a difference in how this area looks and take off some years in the process.
What contributes to neck aging?
- Oil glands. The neck has fewer oil glands than the face, so it can start to age way before the face. Up to 7 years faster!
- Tension and stress. When your neck is tight it actually pulls down on the face which makes you look stressed and older than you are.
- Your skincare regimen. Not bringing your skincare products down onto the neck area.
- SPF. Forgetting sunscreen. This is a biggie! Sunscreen protects your face from aging and skin cancer. Include your neck also.
What changes should you make?
- Moisturizer. Your neck area loves moisture even more than your face. The skin can get really dry and dehydrated if neglected, and you will see more wrinkles and folds in this area. Moisturize twice a day. Neck creams are nice for nighttime if you really want to target this area with deeper hydration.
- Skincare products. Bring your skincare all the way down onto your neck and ideally across your upper chest as well. Remember your neck is an extension of your face and needs to be treated with the same products that you use on your face. This is going to make a huge difference!
- Stretching. This will do wonders in relieving tension in the neck. When you stretch out those muscles you’re bringing health back to this area which will make your face look more relaxed also. That can take years off your face instantly!
- Exfoliate. Remember the neck goes with the face. Make sure you’re exfoliating this area a couple of times a week.
- Anti-aging ingredients. If you really want to take it up a notch, start applying retinol or an AHA type of product 3 to 4 times a week. This is a game-changer for this area. The skin can be a little more sensitive, so you may not be able to use the same retinol you use on your face. You could mix it in a little moisturizer though to buffer it a little bit if it feels too stingy. Start this, and you will see fast results!
Don’t forget the tool!
- Guasha. This is amazing for the neck area! A couple of times a week, use a guasha tool on the front and back of your neck. You will relieve tension and help to lift those muscles. It feels great and gives immediate and
long-lasting results. I love guasha for the face and body as well!
- Face Yoga. Yes, you can do yoga for your face and neck! Think of it as a muscular workout. You want to activate those muscles in a different way that will strengthen and firm them. Usually, the lower jaw is included, so it’s a double win! I add this to my routine often and love it. Only takes a few minutes and I can see the results instantly. You can find a lot of demos on youtube.
Hope this gets you thinking about how to be more consistent with treating this often neglected area! Don’t be stressed because it seems your neck has gotten old overnight. You can turn back the clock, and see some improvement quickly! Start tonight and in a few weeks, your going to be amazed at the changes you see!
Until next time,