Daily, we get to choose a lot of things. From the food we eat, what we wear, our attitudes, and how we live our lives.
A lot of choices we make are on auto-pilot. Quickly life slips into another day, leading to weeks, months, and even years.
I think you want more out of life. I know I do. We want to choose what’s important and what matters every day.
I’ve thought deeply about this and came up with areas that we can choose differently, so we can live life with more intention and make choices that matter. Let’s start here.
Choose People Over To-Do-Lists
I love lists, projects, goals, planners, and all those things that make me feel like I’ve accomplished something. It’s not bad, but it can be if I make it about me and don’t include relationships. It takes commitment and thought to stay connected to those who matter. God is all about people, and He loves when we make them a priority. Sometimes it’s just a text to check in and say hi, or be more intentional by spending quality time with those who need someone to listen.
If you’re a planner, plan on spending time with people in your life you can pour into. Continue to make your lists, but add those relationships to it. And if it’s a matter of crossing multiple tasks off your list or having that coffee get-together with a friend, choose the coffee every time! The list will always be there.
Choose Quiet Over Noise
The world is noisy! News, social media, people’s opinions, etc. Being quiet is becoming a lost art. It’s so important to be still and quiet your soul for a few minutes every day. Just a couple of little breaks can significantly impact your health and stress level. So many people stay in a constant state of stress that it has become a regular part of their life. It may take a little planning and intentionality to quiet yourself, but it’s so essential for your total well-being.
Guard this time. What you reap from it will pour out into other areas of your life. You will be more patient and calmer in situations that may have stressed you before. Reduce the noise in your life, and experience more internal peace.
Try to do some deep breathing with your eyes closed for 2-3 minutes a couple of times a day. Or sit or lie down for 5-10 minutes. I like to use a blackout light mask that I put on my eyes, turn on some relaxing music, and quiet myself. It’s the best mini rest for the body and mind. Try it for a week and see if it doesn’t become something you look forward to doing every day.
Choose Enough Over Materialism
There is too much stuff in the world and within our houses. Most of us have everything we need, and most of what we think we need is really a “want.” Start asking yourself if you “need” this item or “want” it. My dad used to say, if you bring something new into the house, take two things out of the house. Good advice.
Ask God to see those in need, meet that need, and donate all that excess that is probably causing you anxiety. Bless someone with your stuff, live with enough, and live lighter. It’s good for your soul.
Choose Chosen Over Perfectionism
When you see yourself as chosen by God, you can stop striving so much. There’s nothing to prove. Perfectionism is a title we put on ourselves that was never supposed to be there. Perfectionism leaves you discontent and never quite reaching that high bar you have set in your life. Once you accomplish that one thing, something else replaces it. It takes the joy right out of life.
Chosen lets you rest. It’s grace-filled and the only way to live. You’re enough. Let go of the chains of perfectionism and be free to live as chosen and loved by God.
Choose Love Over Everything
We can love many things, but loving people is what we are called to do. That’s hard sometimes. Not letting hurt or disappointment from people change the course of your heart. When you remember how much God loves you, extending a branch of forgiveness and reconciliation can be easier. That’s when you can experience how powerful love is.
Make the time to make those around you feel loved and cherished because that’s how God feels about you.
Be kind, listen well, and be present when you are with people. Resist looking at your phone or half-listening. When we stop and give someone our full attention, we may start to hear not only with our ears but also with our hearts.
Everyone wants to feel loved. Be known as someone who loves well.
I hope this list will help you meditate on some areas where you can choose differently. Maybe hold your to-do list with a lighter grip and give time to relationships. Learn to quiet yourself and your soul daily to be more refreshed. Look around your house and live lighter and let your excess become treasures to someone else.
And above all else, choose love every time.
We love because God first loved us. 1 John 4:19
Until next time,