Does your facial skin feel uncomfortable and dry all year long, especially in the winter?
I’m with you! Throw in aging skin and the battle to stay hydrated just gets harder. Thank goodness for products and facial tools that can target dry skin and literally change it to hydrated glowing skin!
We talked about how hydration starts on the inside first. Eating the right foods plays a huge part in how our skin looks and feels. So now that your nourishing your cells internally let’s talk about hydrating your facial skin from the outside. Just a couple of tweaks in your routine can make all the difference!
It all starts with cleansing
A lot of my clients would use the same cleanser all year long, and year after year. Skin changes all the time and especially with the seasons, so this is where to make some adjustments, especially for dry skin.
If you’re using something too harsh and stripping all the moisture from your skin, it’s going to be more challenging to get that hydrated glowing skin you want to see. It all starts with the right cleanser for dry skin. This is where to start.
Dry facial skin loves oil cleansers
Ever have a piece of furniture where the wood looks dried and cracked? You apply an oil-based furniture polish on it, and it seems to come to life. Those cracks aren’t so obvious, and it takes on a glow you haven’t seen in a while. The key though is, you have to keep up with it. It will get dried out again, but the oil always does the trick.
That’s kind of what an oil-based cleanser can do for your skin. When I get ready to cleanse my skin, and especially at night, I use something oil-based or a balm type of product. It removes all make-up thoroughly and is cleansing the skin also. The skin doesn’t feel greasy afterward, it feels and looks moist and hydrated.
If I’m tired I don’t do a second cleansing. I continue with the rest of my skincare regimen and call it a night.
Replace that cleanser that may be making your dry skin worse with an oil cleanser that your dry skin will love and respond to after the first use.
Always use a facial oil
Facial oils are absolutely my favorite skincare product. They make such a difference! I use them in different ways depending on what I’m targeting on my skin, but I always use one. Twice a day, every day.
Just 2-3 drops on top of a serum, or on bare skin if you’re keeping it simple. It’s usually the last product before moisturizer, but sometimes I will switch it up if I’m using a retinol type of product. I would then put it on top of my moisturizer.
Your makeup will glide on when you use a facial oil, and you instantly will have that glow. There are a lot of oils for the skin at stores, and I like to try different ones. Skin likes change. If you haven’t tried a facial oil yet and your skin is dry, this is the one product that truly will change your skin instantly!
Don’t forget tools to help with dry skin
I love facial tools because they are quick but give great lasting results. A great little tool to penetrate products deeper into your skin to create some change is the micro-needling derma roller.
Apply a serum for correcting and hydration and then use your derma roller diagonally, horizontally, and vertically all over the face. I do one side of the face at a time, to make sure I’m being thorough. By penetrating your product with the derma roller, you’re getting into the deeper layers of your skin where change can happen. Once or twice a week is all you need to see your dry skin become more hydrated beautiful skin.
Another great thing to do for dry skin is to mask. It’s so overlooked but makes such a big difference. Sure if you have the time, make it a little spa experience, but when you have a lot going on, multitask! I have even put on a mask in the morning before I shower and it works! Masks work pretty fast in 5-10 minutes so you don’t need a lot of time. But hey, if you can leave it on longer while you’re doing something else, go ahead!
I was always surprised that my clients felt like masks really didn’t do anything, or they seemed indulgent. When I convinced them to give it a try for a couple of weeks they were convinced. Dry skin loves hydrating cream or gel masks. Sheet masks are awesome also. They are usually full of moisture-loving ingredients that your skin will drink in instantly!
Once or twice a week apply a mask and start boosting up the hydration in your skin! Once you see the difference I know you will want to do it on a regular basis!
I hope you try one or all of these suggestions if your skin is dry and you would love to see a difference in your facial skin.
A little tweak in your cleanser and product can make the biggest difference. I’ve seen changes in my client’s skin and also for me personally just by making these changes.
You really can have dryer skin that is healthy vibrant and glowing! Give it a try and love your skin this winter!!
Watch for my next post on how to have body skin that is hydrated and healthy!
Until next time,