Thank you for visiting my little refuge corner.
This is a place where you can begin a new journey of becoming healthier in your body, embrace aging with more confidence, and be encouraged in your spirit.
Being in the skin care industry for over 30 years, I have met a lot of women. All unique and amazing in their own special way.
What I’ve noticed though as women are aging things start to shift in their thinking. Self-esteem goes slowly down, and insecurities go up. The changes that they see in their bodies and what they see in the mirror affects how they see themselves as a person.
The world tells them; this is what happens when you get older. It’s all downhill from here so just accept it… and so they do. They give up on all that they thought they would accomplish. All the hopes and dreams they had, are silenced and tucked away in their hearts, with not much hope of ever seeing them again.
They just go through the motions day after day…but wish something would change in their lives.
Have you struggled with these thoughts? I know I have at times….Physically you don’t want to look decades younger, but really you just want to be the best you can be at the age you are now. You want that glow back in your skin. You want increased energy and to be more physically fit so you can lead a more vibrant, meaningful life.
There are those deeper heart longings as well, where you feel there has to be something more. Its out there somewhere, but you just don’t know how to grab a hold of it. You try hard, but always come up empty. You still have dreams that are buried deep but….
fear…busyness…and hopelessness… has its grip so tight on you, that it’s too scary or impossible to believe that you could make your dreams a reality. You just want to make a difference.
I believe you can have a new level of health, and age with confidence as you seek out to discover your new purpose for your life.
Ladies lets come alongside one another and start this journey with a fresh expectation and a heart full of hope for your dreams to be resurrected. To not cringe when you see a new wrinkle. Have a body that feels stronger physically, and emotionally. To feel hope rising up in you again. Feeling amazed at all the possibilities before you.
The body and soul truly are connected, and you’re going to see when we take care of and nurture both of these areas, your life will change.
From skin care to nutrition to your spiritual health…you will be learning, growing and changing into your BEST YOU!
You will discover answers to help you become healthier in your body, be confident in your appearance, and more grounded in your faith…regardless of your age!
I am so looking forward to having you on this journey with me, and all that we will discover together!
Until next time,
Let’s do this! Bannishing all processed foods
And taking time for quiet reflection each day.
Best wishes for the blog!
Thanks for the encouragement Karyn!
Your off to a great start with the changes your making!
Even at 68, I often think “I wonder what I will do when i grow up?” I feel there is so much left to explore and learn. Impact to make on a sad world.
There is no age limit with God! He still has plans for our lives to make a difference in this world. Trust Him for new dreams and opportunities.