Have you ever asked yourself that question?
Are you in a season of your life where the future looks unclear and you have no clarity on the next steps to take?
I have been in that place many times, but probably more so in the last few years. Over and over in my head, I’m asking myself, “What now?” “What should I be doing next”?
I’ve discovered there are no easy answers! I’m a dreamer so when you throw that into the mix it gets even more overwhelming!
There’s a ton of stuff I would LOVE to do, but how do you make that a reality?
It can get hard especially when you are in a season that others need you more than ever.
Aging parents that you have to make decisions for… grown children…grandkids… coming to the end of careers…keeping a marriage thriving…or creating a life being single… and the list goes on and on.
How do you find yourself in the middle of all of this?
Let’s talk it out and find some hope along the way!
Here’s what I know to be true. When you have desires in your heart that just won’t go away, that is most likely coming from the Holy Spirit. That’s His job! To guide you and direct you into new things. Sometimes it may just be a thought. A little flicker of a flame in your heart. What do you do when you let yourself think of new possibilities? Disregard it quickly? Laugh at it, at the thought of the impossibility of it? Sarah did that in the Bible and look how that turned out! (Genesis 21:6)
Or the most common response is that it’s just too overwhelming to think of how to begin? I’ve been there and still have to battle with that from time to time.
So what should you do?
I will share with you what has worked for me, and what hasn’t worked.
What works: Prayer and lots of it. God says he has given us ALL spiritual gifts. Every single person. Don’t think gifts are just for “her” or someone else. YOU have your own set of gifts that have been tailored made for you and your special personality. Ask God how you can use the gifts he gave you in a new way. It may be something you have never even thought about before!
What doesn’t work: Talking about it forever! Guilty! If I knew then what I know now, I would have talked about plans less, and put more action behind the talk! I would get tired of hearing myself talk about it all the time, with nothing changing. There comes a point where you have to take a step, or you have to put it to rest.
What works: Taking some tiny action steps. You can feel a sense of accomplishment when you’ve done something about those desires in your heart. Even if its something super small, it can flourish into hope in your soul. Take a step, and make a plan.
What doesn’t work: Overanalyzing it! I am an analyzing queen! I will call up my sisters and say “I need to analyze”. They know they’re in for a long conversation! When we just go around the same mountain over and over again, guess what? You wind up in the same place! That’s a lot of time wasted and it has gotten you nowhere. No more overthinking. Allow yourself some space to brainstorm. Then jot a couple of little things to start researching, or make a couple of phone calls, etc. Start somewhere and see what happens.
What works: Giving yourself room for failure. I’m still learning this one. You get a certain age and you just don’t want it to be so hard all of the time. God given dreams and desires can put you into a battle. You have an enemy who wants nothing more than to keep you stuck. He knows you can be powerful for Gods kingdom so He will try everything to derail you. All the more reason you need to stay in prayer about it. That is your weapon in the battle, and you are already destined to win!
What doesn’t work: Giving in to fear. Staying stuck. Guilty! Please don’t get stuck in that quicksand. It will bring you down faster than anything. It will waste so much time. Pray and equip yourself with Gods Word to change the way you think. It all starts in the mind, and you have to sometimes be transformed in your thought pattern to believe what God says about your future. (Romans 12:2)
Now there are times we have to put the brakes on something because life is just too demanding right now. I have been there many times. It’s also where God would use you for that timeframe. That doesn’t mean though to stay there forever. Do what you need to do while you are in a waiting period. God is still using you. That way when the time comes where you can start moving forward again, your already a few steps ahead.
I believe that you have so much to offer. That God is going to use you in a powerful way. Maybe it’s starting a part-time job more for fun. Volunteering somewhere where you never thought you had the time to before. That can be so rewarding! Joining something new just because you want to give it a try. Here’s the thing… If it doesn’t work out, it is SO OK! Onto the next new thing.
God will use you if you will let Him. Be open to the possibility of that. Let this next season of your life going forward be filled with renewed hope for your future. Be expectant and hopeful. I think you are going to be amazed at what happens! Don’t stop dreaming, and take that first step!
(Psalm 32:8) I will instruct and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
If you’re ready to take that next step, let me know! I would love to cheer you on!
Until next time,