Vision. How is yours spiritually? Are you seeing what God would have you see?
It’s so easy to get caught up in a daily routine, rushing here and there, that we forget to see. To see that God is trying to get our attention.
But wait, you say! There are things to get done, places to go, and a “To-Do ” list a mile long. Your inbox is overflowing with emails that need your attention. Kids, pets, work, and your spouse all shout, “Look at me!” And your phone? It never stops trying to steal your time.
No wonder we don’t see beyond the daily chaos and miss all God is doing right before us—every day.
I don’t want to go through life missing opportunities from God because my vision is too narrow. Am I seeing only what’s in front of me and blind to spiritual things I can partake in all around me?
We have to see beyond our household and see bigger. To care about things happening in the world and others outside of our friends and family. You don’t have to look far to see that people are broken and need kindness.
Do you feel the same way? You know there has to be something more in your walk with God, but you’re unsure how to find it. You tell yourself you’ll concentrate on your spiritual life when you have more time. When you have more time, you will pray more, read your Bible, and maybe even get involved with those things that keep tugging in your heart.
That’s a lie that the enemy of your soul would have you believe. He will always tell you you don’t have time for God. So you tell yourself “someday”.
What can you do?
Today can be the day the blinders can be removed so your spiritual eyes can be woken up to see again. God’s kingdom is here on earth right now, and we are to be a vital part of it, but we have to have eyes and a vision to see it.
All we have to do is ASK.
Don’t go through another day or week and miss out on how you can come alongside God and be a part of all He wants to do through and for you.
Ask God to open your eyes, to help you see things differently, and to align your heart with His so that you can have a renewed purpose.
Time stealers are all around us, and the biggest one is the phone we hold in our hands every day—the phone that can literally steal your life if you let it.
It can dull your vision and change your focus to all the wrong things that have no lasting impact and only leave you feeling “less than” and “not enough.”
Today, decide to open your eyes and maybe see things differently. Care about things that you didn’t do before. Pray for someone because your heart is moved by their situation. See the world as a place that desperately needs God to bring change.
Watch and be amazed at what God will do when your eyes are opened.
Ask and see.
Until next time,