When I heard the term "slugging" in skincare, I thought, what the heck? It turns out it's a thing. Kind of a crazy word, but I love the concept. It turns out "slugging" has been around for decades. Think of your grandmother slathering vaseline on her face at night. Yep, that was slugging. Also, the practice has been used in other countries for generations. Thanks to the internet, we have View Post
Nightly Tools For Aging Skin
Are you noticing increased aging in your skin? Have you stopped seeing results from your current skincare regimen? I've been there! When I no longer see a glow, and my skin looks tired, I know it's time to boost my nightly routine. Is it possible to change the way your skin looks and feels in a short amount of time? Yes! There are great products that make your skin feel wonderful, but View Post
Are You Soul Weary?
Soul weary. It's different than being tired physically. It's a weariness in the deepest part of you. In your heart and spirit. Have you been there? I have. When you feel that heaviness in your soul, it's hard to find joy no matter where you look. Being soul-weary means you care and you feel things deeply. With that though you can internalize things and it starts to weigh you down View Post
How To Choose What Matters
Daily, we get to choose a lot of things. From the food we eat, what we wear, our attitudes, and how we live our lives. A lot of choices we make are on auto-pilot. Quickly life slips into another day, leading to weeks, months, and even years. I think you want more out of life. I know I do. We want to choose what's important and what matters every day. I've thought deeply about this and View Post
What Is Bamboo Body Tapping?
Bamboo tapping or "Pai Sha" is a powerful ancient Chinese technique for overall health and well-being. It's simple, quick, and can really help to strengthen your immune system and increase your overall total wellness. Ok sounds good, but what is it really? The bamboo tapper is a tightly bound bundle of thin rods that I think looks like a little broom. You use it in a tapping motion all View Post
Get To Know Your Vagus Nerve
The vagus nerve is finally getting some attention! I'm seeing lots of articles recently that are talking about this amazing and important part of the body. A lot of people haven't heard of their vagus nerve and what it actually does. Hopefully today you will have the information you need to bring health back to this important nerve that will affect your whole body and well-being. Let's View Post
What I’m Loving Newsletter #12
What I'm loving is back! So many great finds and new loves! Let's get to it and check out something new for you! Skincare Volition - Snow Mushroom Water Extract. I'm loving this new brand! I'm on a quest to clean up all my skincare products and to make sure I'm not putting anything harmful on my skin that can create internal damage or disruption of any kind. This brand is now part of my View Post
Daily 5 Minute Habits
Could daily 5 minute habits make a difference in your health and your overall wellness? YES! Adding in daily habits or whenever you can during the week will significantly impact every area of your life. Easy habits from head to toe that you can start today! Over time you will find yourself utilizing those 5-minute slots of time in your day and creating a routine. Sometimes we overthink View Post
Embrace Aging With Change
Change isn't always easy, but sometimes it's necessary to get your life moving in a new direction, especially with aging. Getting older puts a lot of things in perspective. You can't have a life do-over, but you can start right where you are today to do things differently and try something new. You can still change a mindset and an attitude and challenge yourself to create many positive View Post
Get Your Lymph Moving!
Can lymph drainage make you look younger and feel better? It turns out it can. Getting your lymph moving will bring health to every area of your body, and you will even notice your facial skin looking more revitalized. Stubborn areas of puffiness on parts of the body and the face can all be lymph-related. When the lymph is stuck and backed up, you will feel it and see it. What can you View Post