Hi everyone, it's time for what I'm loving!! I'm still spending a lot of time at home, so I've really had a chance to try some new things from other bloggers that I follow, or items that have been on my list for a while that I've been wanting to try. I'm so excited to share this list with you because there were just so many good finds I wound up loving! Ok, here we go! Let's start View Post
Changes For Your Skin This Fall
When fall temperatures start dropping, your skin will let you know it's time to make some changes to your skincare. Overnight you can see and feel little differences in your skin and on your body. Little tweaks can make all the difference in keeping your skin glowing and getting it ready for the colder winter months ahead. Being outside more this summer because of all the closings, you View Post
Become A Planted Woman
"Planted" has been my word for 2 years. I've done a lot of reflecting and studying this word to get to the depth of what it means for my soul. What do you think of when you hear the word planted? Something taking root? Growing? Flourishing? Yep, all of those words describe what we can be if we become planted women in our faith walk. We really are all planted in some way. In our families, View Post
Facial Reflexology
Reflexology is amazing! Not only for overall health but it's also anti-aging! When I lived in China, I trained to become a reflexologist, and I have been practicing it ever since. Daily you can find me giving myself a reflexology treatment on my feet, and especially at bedtime! Reflexology for the face though is another way to reap health benefits and target aging at the same View Post
The Power Of Elderberry
Hippocrates called the elderberry tree his "medicine chest," because of all the benefits these berries have on health. There are over 30 different types of elderberry plants around the world, but the one that is the closest related to your health and healing is the Sambucus. I've been taking elderberry lately for immune support and love it! Not only does it taste good, but it has helped View Post
Resurrected Hope
We can put a lot into the little word of hope. From hoping the weather is good, to hoping a situation changes, etc. etc. Big and little hopes are limitless in our lives. Living in a world now that has changed dramatically, it seems like hope has taken a beating. Some days the news makes it feel like things are only going to get worse, and with that, the light of hope starts to dim. It's View Post
What I’m Loving Newsletter #8
Hi everyone, it's that time again to share with you what I'm loving! With more time at home, I've been able to discover some great finds! Let's get to it so you can find something new to love! Health Boka Toothpaste. I love this toothpaste! This is a fluoride-free toothpaste and uses nano-hydroxyapatite (n-Ha) instead, which makes up the foundation of your teeth and bones. It's 100% View Post
Tug Of War With God
Remember the game tug of war when you were a kid? Two teams pulling against each other, trying to see who was the strongest. As a kid, it was a fun game of strength and determination, and it felt pretty good when the other team lost their grip and you won. Now that you're grown up, could you still be playing tug of war, but now it's in your spiritual life? Does this sound familiar? You View Post
Are You Aging Your Telomeres?
Did you know that your telomeres could be speeding up your aging? This subject has been getting a lot of attention in the skincare field and their effect on the aging of the skin and your overall health. Ok, what are telomeres? They are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect your chromosomes. Picture a pair of shoelaces and the little plastic piece at the end of the shoelace. View Post
The 5 Lies Of Aging
The world has a lot to say about aging. How many times have you heard the lie, "That's what happens when you get older, it's all part of aging." It doesn't sound very encouraging! In fact, it can sound downright depressing if you let that internalize into your heart and mind. It's like saying, "It's all downhill from here", "Things are only going to get worse". "Sickness and View Post