During these days of staying at home, our brains are under more stress than usual, and we may be on auto-pilot for longer hours of the day. With Alzheimer's and dementia rapidly rising people are thinking more about the health of their brains, and want to know what they can do to protect and even improve the health of their brains. Brain disease is cruel. I watched my dad suffer View Post
Planting Seeds In Your Heart
Are there seeds of faith growing in your heart? How you handle life depends on what kind of soil those seeds are growing in. Jesus told a parable to a large crowd about a farmer and planting season. Relating the story with what was their everyday life would help them relate to what Jesus wanted them to know about their faith and the condition of their heart. This is a familiar passage, View Post
Self-Care During Stress
Are you doing any kind of self-care during these uncertain times? With these long days of "sheltering in place", have you made the time to nurture yourself? It's needed more than ever. The days look different, and what was normal has gone out the window. With that can come increased stress and anxiety even though you find yourself with more time. In the midst of new routines, women can View Post
Don’t Let Stress Break You
Do you feel like your at your breaking point with stress? With what is going in the world, are your nerves frazzled, and your mind a whirlwind of anxious filled thoughts? You are not alone. Within a few weeks, our days that had "stressful moments" seem to be full-blown with much bigger worries. What can you do? The concerns and reality are real every day with the news. I'm with you View Post
Do Not Be Anxious About Anything
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God; and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7 I had a different plan for a post, but with everything that is going on in the world, I just feel we need to talk about our hearts and View Post
Are You Addicted To Your Phone?
Could you be addicted to your phone? Do you find yourself looking at your phone over and over during the day? Not because you heard it ping or vibrate, but just checking it because you might have missed something? It might be shocking if you knew how much time you're actually looking at your phone screen. Knowing may be just what you need though to make some changes. For your health View Post
What I’m Loving Newsletter #7
Hi everyone, its time to share what I'm loving again! From books to food, there is something for everyone! I've been doing a lot of reading so let's start there! Books I'm Loving Americas First Daughter by Stephanie Dray & Laura Kamoie. If you're a history lover, you will love this book! This is a novel about Thomas Jefferson's daughter Patsy, who in her own right shaped an American View Post
More Light For Gray Days
Where I live, the winters are long and there are a lot of gray days. A lot. Day after day the sun hides, and gray is all I see outside. What I've learned is that gray can make its way inside your spirit if you're not careful. Your mood can match what you see, and before you know it, the light is blocked out. Is this something you struggle with as well? Are gray days affecting how you feel View Post
Reset Your Body From Antibiotics
Have you been on a round of antibiotics this season or in the past? Usually, it's a last resort if you have tried everything on your own, and you just can't get to feeling better. I'm thankful for modern medicine, and the healing it provides in getting rid of bacteria and germs that can make you feel crummy. Antibiotics though are powerful drugs and can do a number on your gut health if you View Post
Evening Skincare Routine
Do you need to have an evening skincare routine? I would get this question a lot in the facial room. Being an esthetician, I would always recommend yes. Does it make a difference what you're doing at night with your skin? Let's talk about why it's so important to ramp up your skincare at night so you can get to the next level of results that you can see! First, what's happening in your View Post