Have you experienced micro-current for your facial muscles? This is a popular treatment in skincare centers, but you can also do it at home! It delivers a tighter, firmer look in a short amount of time. You know how when you start working out your body, you start with low weights and build up from there, right? You're making those muscles stronger. It's the same in a sense with View Post
Are You Addicted To Sugar?
Sugar is such a sneaky thing! Don't underestimate its power though! It can have you addicted in no time, craving for it daily. Sometimes even hourly! Even "healthy foods" can have a lot of sugar. If its the 1st ingredient on the label, there is quite a bit added. Become a label reader! Type 2 Diabetes is now on the rise dramatically in adults and children, and sugar is the main View Post
Are Your Faith Muscles Weak?
How strong is your spiritual faith core? Is it weak? Strong? Or somewhere in between? Sure, it's great to exercise our bodies, so we can have the strength and energy to get through our day. Were also helping to ward off disease and be the healthiest we can be for ourselves and for those that love us. Shouldn't we do that for our soul? The answer my friends is YES. With exercise, View Post
Facial Massage And Tools
How do you feel about your facial skin? Do you want to see a change in your skin in a few days? More firm and bright? Grab a facial tool! There are so many little gadgets out there that deliver great results! A couple of minutes in the evening after you cleanse your skin is all it takes! We talked about these tools in a previous post, but some things are worth repeating! Especially View Post
Soul Connection-Take That Step
Are you dreaming about that next step? Do you desire a change in your life? Sometimes I wish the answer would appear in the sky and tell me what to do! Ever been there? Sometimes it's so confusing when you need answers and all you hear is silence. So you keep thinking...and dreaming. Your mind plays the same recordings over and over again. "What if it doesn't work out"? "I don't View Post
Body Connection-Move Those Legs!
When was the last time you thought about your legs? Not in just how they look in shorts, but about their health. New statistics are showing we are sitting too much. More than ever before, and we are starting to see and feel how it is affecting our health. We can call our groceries in and have them delivered to our house. Shopping online is how most people shop now, so no more walking View Post
Are You Low In Magnesium?
Recent studies are showing that 70 to 90% of people are low in magnesium and don't even know it. Your body though will give you warning signals. Could this be the missing link in why you are feeling crummy? Not sleeping? Achy? The good news is that getting more magnesium in your diet is easy! What does magnesium do? It's responsible for over 300 functions in the body. So yep it's View Post
Finding Your Balance
Balance. Does it seem like your always chasing after it? What does it really look like anyway? The word alone though can make you feel stressed! Making you feel like your always falling short. There are times when I have experienced the word balance, but there have been a lot of times when my life feels very "out of balance". Busyness will get you out of balance real fast! It's View Post
Vitamin C For The Skin
Vitamin C is one of the most important products to use for your skin! Known as ascorbic acid, it can transform your skin when used daily! It's a powerful antioxidant to help correct and repair the damage that may be showing up on your face. Let's talk more about this amazing ingredient and see why it may just be what your skin needs to see some awesome changes! Let's break it down Free View Post
What I’m Loving Newsletter #5
Hey everyone, I'm so excited to share with you what I'm loving this season! So many good finds! Let's jump right in and find something new you can try! Fragrance I'm Loving! Good Chemistry Fragrance - OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS! This was the best find ever! There are a few to choose from, but the Queen Bee fragrance is the BEST! Ask my family! I have told all of them about it. I have given View Post