When giving a facial treatment, I'm always amazed at the difference between the face and the neck. Sometimes it can look so different, that it doesn't look like it belongs to the same face. The reason is simple. The neck area is a forgotten part of skincare for most women. If you can relate and your seeing signs of aging, it's not too late! You can still make a difference in how this area View Post
What I’m Loving Newsletter – #10
Hi everyone, it's time for what I'm loving again! Hope everyone is ready for spring and lots of healing, soul-warming sunshine. I know I am! I've got lots of fun things to share, and hope you discover something new to try! Let's get to it! Books that I'm loving My Dear Hamilton by Stephanie Dray & Laura Kamoie - Oh how I loved this book!! I had watched Hamilton on Disney+ awhile View Post
3 Spring Goals
Spring!! I feel like last spring was a lifetime ago. The world has gone through so much since last year and it seems that spring left us too quickly to enjoy. Now here we are in the first few weeks of spring and maybe starting to feel more hopeful for the days ahead. That's how I'm feeling this spring. Ready to get back out into the sunshine and let hope warm my soul again. Spring is a View Post
Is Your Faith Growing?
Is it time to do a spiritual inventory on your faith? Are you growing, or are your roots withering? It's easy to coast along in your faith day after day, year after year, and have no growth at all. You need deep unshakable roots that can withstand whatever life throws at you. Everything around you may be falling apart, but your standing strong. Your soul needs to be a focus like every View Post
A Different Kind Of Lent
A different kind of lent. I had a different post in mind, but when God presses in on you, it's time to listen. Lent started yesterday and it's about 40 days of giving something up. But how seriously do we take this? Are you in the category of let's say giving up sugar, or your favorite latte, or chocolate? These are all good things to cut back on, and going cold turkey for 40 days could View Post
Part 3 – Help For Dry Body Skin
Is your body skin dry? Mine is all year long, but as soon as the weather gets colder my skin gets even drier I have a routine that I stick to that has made the biggest difference in the health and appearance of my body skin. Let's talk about tools and hydration that can help you to banish your dry skin this winter! Here's where to start for more hydrated body skin: Dry Brushing Your View Post
Part 2 – Hydrate Dry Facial Skin
Does your facial skin feel uncomfortable and dry all year long, especially in the winter? I'm with you! Throw in aging skin and the battle to stay hydrated just gets harder. Thank goodness for products and facial tools that can target dry skin and literally change it to hydrated glowing skin! We talked about how hydration starts on the inside first. Eating the right foods plays a huge part View Post
Part 1- Heal Dry Skin With Foods
If you have dry skin you know what a challenge it can be! It's always a battle keeping your skin moist and hydrated. When the weather changes it gets even worse. It seems like whatever you put on your skin is just never enough. It can feel like your skin is a drinking machine! Always needing more moisture. Applying cream after cream only helps for a little while, and then you're back to View Post
How To Have Renewed Hope
Renewed hope. We really need it after this year. I feel like I have been in an emotional wringer for way too long. From one crisis to another, it just never let up. There was way too much sadness, drama, and tears this past year. Here we are, on the threshold of another year, and do we dare give hope some light? At the end of a year, I'm usually hopeful for new dreams, new goals for the View Post
Mend Your Stress Fractures
Do you feel like some days or even most days you are going to crack because of the stress in your life? Is it getting harder and harder to be hopeful? If you were honest you only want to be left alone with your thoughts and feelings? This year has pushed so many people to their limits, and the stress fractures are starting to show physically, mentally, and spiritually. You probably View Post